For the English speaking

France Pro Consult

Dear members of the Legal Profession, Real Estate Professionals, Sir or Madam,


France Pro Consult is a Dutch consultancy that has a strong presence in the sale, acquisition and management of real estate for Dutch individuals and investors. We only work on assignment and operate throughout France.


France Pro Consult offers its services to Dutch or Belgian clients wishing to buy, sell, manage or place real estate. France Pro Consult assists its clients at every stage of the process. 


We offer legal, tax and financial monitoring (seeking funding). A translation service is provided throughout the transaction, up to the signing of deeds.


We are a consulting firm, not a real estate agency.


A consulting firm that offers a broad spectrum of skills and which provides appropriate advice or recommendations. We are a single contact point for clients and form a close partnership with them.

Our services:

    • Acquisitions: Assistance in acquiring a property, building land, house, apartment or castle.
    • Sales: Selling a building, building land, house, apartment or castle to professionals; we provide valuations, choice of sales mandate, etc.
    • Seeking finance.
    • Setting up a Société Civile Immobilière (Professional Partnership).
    • Sales, purchasing of shares (SCI immobilière) [real estate company].
    • Seeking solutions.
    • Processing of inheritance – property holdings.
    • Donations – property holdings.

Our advantage

    • Wide knowledge of Dutch and Belgian specialised channels and Medias.
    • Direct contact – in situ and targeted
    • An informative and attractive website with continuous and increasing traffic.
    • A substantial database via the circulation of our monthly virtual magazine with its 11 editions per year and over 15,000 subscribers to date (July 2021).

Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing further from you.

Thierry BIGUET

France Pro Consult
Boterweg 25
7371 GK  Loenen (GLD)
Holland – The Netherlands

Tel:    +31 55 505 3285